Sunday, July 6, 2008

Time is of the Essence

After reading about Mike Dailly's raster split trouble I decided to write a bit about how the top split is done in Paradroid Redux.

There are three things to do when playing area begins:

  • change background color
  • start character display
  • start sprite display
The first one is just $d021 change, other two require a bit of trickery.

To mask vertically scrolling characters one would usually use illegal graphics mode (Extended Color Mode comined with Bit Map Mode and/or Multi Color Mode) or sprites. The first method produces black pixels so it isn't usable unless background is black, and the second one is unusable if sprites need to cross the split.

So, it's time for some font trickery. Raster interrupt several lines above the split changes to blank font, and then the actual split interrupt changes $D018 to display correct character data. This means "wasting" $0800 bytes for the blank font, but half of that memory is used as temporary buffer elsewhere so actual cost of clean split is one kilobyte.

Clipping sprites cleanly requires trickery as well as there is no way to start sprite display from the middle of graphic data. One way to achieve clipping is clearing top of sprite graphics if it overflows top split, but that would waste time both when clearing the memory and when running extra animator/digit generator rounds to restore top of sprite when more of it gets shown. Another way to achieve clipping is to put sprite at non-visible x-coordinate and then change them at the correct line. However, there is no time to change multiple registers in time.

Guess what? $D018 comes to rescue once again. There is an extra screen where the sprite pointers point to blank sprites. When the time comes, split interrupt doesn't only change font (bits 1-3 of $D018) but also displayed screen (bits 4-7 of $D018). Nice and easy solution but it requires a blank screen, another one kilobyte wasted. No, not really - there is no reason why one half of the blank font couldn't be used for blank screen. What that means is that sprite clipping is practically free as there is no extra memory required and $D018 needs to be written anyway for character blanking.

There is one problem with the screen change though. While VIC-II reads font data and sprite pointers & sprite data every line, character pointers (screen data) are only read on every eighth line. This means that while sprite and font changes are immediate, screen change affects display 0-7 lines later. To overcome this the top line of playing area is copied onto blank screen so character pointers are correct when $D018 is changed.

As blank screen is located inside blank font this copying creates yet another problem. Blank font isn't that blank any more. The topmost line is at SCREEN + $140, which means that chars $28-$2c aren't blank and will produce garbage if they appear on the topmost line. The easiest way to avoid that is to not use those chars inside playing area at all, so that's what is done. The same problem happens because of blank sprite pointers at SCREEN + $3F8, char $7F. That one is unused as well.

And what does all this has to do with timing problems Mike mentioned?

VIC-II doesn't have time to fetch sprite data when CPU is not using memory bus, so it has to stop CPU momentarily whenever sprites are active. Just how many cycles VIC-II steals from CPU depends on which sprites are active, and this causes a timing hell as you have to change registers when C64 is inside the side border area to avoid flicker. With $D021 change you have all the side border (23 cycles) to change it, but $D018 is trickier. Sprite data is fetched very early, the first three sprites get their data read at the end of previous line. This means that if $D018 write is late sprites will stay blank for one extra line.

To get register writes done at the very beginning of side border area the game uses CIA timer to stabilize raster timing. During game init CIA1 timer A is started, running through 63-65 cycles depending on VIC-II version. This means that $DC04 is always synchronized with current display X position. IRQ only needs to read $DC04 and skip that many cycles.

Did I forget bad lines? Every eight line VIC-II needs to read character pointers and that's not possible without stopping CPU for most of the raster line. This means that there is absolutely no time for anything unnecessary. In the case the split happens on a bad line the game triggers raster IRQ two lines above split, prepares next interrupt at the correct line and then preloads $D018/$D021 values and executes two-cycle instructions until IRQ happens. That guarantees minimum interrupt latency. When raster interrupt happens it will just write those two registers, clean up the stack (this second interrupt pushed status register and return address into stack) and jumps into the common code.

Nothing explains code better than source, so here it is. Only relevant parts are shown, and for clarity I've removed all assembly directives which were there to make sure branches don't span page boundaries (which would add one cycle to the branch).

       IRQ at line 95, prepare for split
lda #$10
ora _vScroll
sta $d011
cmp #$16
bne .057
; special case for bad line

lda #<Irq_116
sta $fffe
lda _d018+1
sta _d018b+1
lda _d021+1
sta _d021b+1
lda #116
bne .x1 ; jmp
; normal case
.057 lda #<Irq_118
sta $fffe
lda #118
.x1 sta $d012
; this one used when ($d011 & 7) = 6, stuffs
; d018/d021 as fast as possible at raster 118
Irq_116 pha
sty .yr+1
lda #<Irq_118b
sta $fffe
lda #>Irq_118b
sta $ffff
lda #118
sta $d012
inc $d019
; 118/15 = 7.8 so this one is executed 8 times
sbc #15
bcs *-2 ; 8*5-1=39 cycles
; preload registers and execute 2-cycle
; instuctions until next IRQ happens
_d018b lda #scr_GAME
_d021b ldy #0
repeat 16
cli ; 32 cycles wasted
; now is the time to write registers, we always enter
; via interrupt as the above code never runs this far
sta $d018
sty $d021
; clean up stack and continue normal IRQ code
pla ; flags
pla ; PC lo
pla ; PC hi, always != 0
bne .irq0 ; jmp
; normal case, use timer value to stabilize
; raster regardless of sprites over the split
sty .yr+1
lda $dc04 ; [1,15] ([2,15] if NTSC/Drean)
eor #$0f ; [14,0] ([13,0])
sta .j3+1
.j3 bpl *+2 ; jump into the delay code
; entering at offset 0 delays 16 cycles,
; entering at offset 14 delays 2 cycles
; OP_CMP_IMM is opcode for CMP #immediate (2 cycles),
; OP_CMP_ZP is opcode for COM $zeropage (3 cycles)
cmp #OP_CMP_ZP
_d021 ldy #0
_d018 lda #scr_GAME
sta $d018
sty $d021
; continue with interrupt
.irq0 ...

Monday, June 23, 2008

Have a nice summer solstice(ish)

To honor the sun I give you a new release - or two releases actually.

My plan was to build an unified version with both graphic sets held in memory all the time, but that didn't happen due lack of memory. Too bad, having different graphics on different decks would have given some more variety to the game.

I did manage to fit all necessary data into memory, but as I had to
EOR fonts together there was no way to swap between them without temporary 2 KB buffer. You really can't unpack LZ data and EOR it simultaneously, which took me way too long to realize.

While it would have been possible to do the EOR in two passes with the 1 KB buffer I do have, I didn't bother with that as I would have to drop dual graphics as soon as I need the memory back anyway.

Oh, I did fix one single pixel bug in the hires font too :)

Edit: I also added single pixel bug into Metal Edition - when you clear deck the first time, there may be extra pixel in the background star. That one is gone as soon as you move a bit vertically, so I won't do another build just to fix it.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Not quite dead yet

Here is little something for you who fear that the project is dead. Not much have changed though:
  • Subgame should now take 10 seconds regardless whether you're playing on C64 or C128. That's still slightly longer than original, but way better than 12 seconds.

  • Game should finally be Drean 64 compatible. I thought I put the code for this into the game 18 months ago, but apparently I didn't. Well, who's going to send me a Drean 64/128 so I can actually test it?

  • Most likely there are some other changes too, it was six weeks ago when I last touched the source. The only reason I did it now was to fix the download link.
Note: if you for some reason want to archive every single release, then do yourself a favor. Don't use build number as filename part! It was never meant for that. Instead, parse it as BB-DDMMYY where BB is daily build count, DD is day of month, MM is month and YY is year. Then reorder these as YYMMDDBB and when using that as part of filename you get chronologically sorted list.

Edit: Drean compatibility is now confirmed, thanks to the_woz. Check out his blog, especially Drean-specific entries.