Sunday, August 26, 2007

Lies, damned lies, and statistics

I needed something to use when deciding which tables benefit most from move to zero page, so I counted words and their occurences in all source files. In addition to giving me the info I wanted, it revealed something else.

Paradroid Redux Top 30 ML Instructions

1549 lda 202 adc 119 bmi
1362 sta 175 lsr 108 iny
679 jsr 167 bcc 106 clc
394 ldx 163 stx 100 sbc
380 ldy 151 bpl 85 dec
313 bne 144 asl 84 eor
251 rts 133 bcs 83 ora
245 beq 131 inc 82 bit
219 cmp 130 sty 81 sec
210 and 124 jmp 76 dex

Disclaimer: Above counts include some code which is commented out, and I didn't expand all macros either.

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